The first meeting to consider forming a bowls club was held on 19 June 1891 at the Hobart Town Hall. The meeting resulted from an advertisement placed in the “Mercury” newspaper by George Smith Seabrook, seeking to form a lawn bowling club in Hobart. A committee, chaired by Seabrook was elected to investigate the proposal. A site was secured by Henry Richard Nicholls, editor of the “Mercury”. At the inaugural meeting of the club, on 31 July 1891, Nicholls was elected first president as a mark of appreciation of his efforts in gaining a site for the club. Also elected were James Gregory, George Seabrook, James Cottier, Mr B Pascoe, Robert E Snowden and William G Gibson. Mr B Pascoe was the first secretary and James Gregory first treasurer. The greens were officially opened on Saturday 6th February 1892. On 10 June 1932 the King granted permission for the club to use the prefix “Royal”. The application was made by the Governor, Sir James O’Grady, after a request by the Tasmanian Premier, Sir John McPhee. How the Infrastructure Started “The New Green 1892“ Hobart Bowling Club open for Competition “Opening Of The Green 1892“ |