Pennant Competition Premierships (Researched & Written by Alan Wickins)
Pennant bowls commenced in Southern Tasmania in season 1906-7 following an agreement between the Hobart and Buckingham clubs to form the Southern Tasmanian Bowling Association
These were the only clubs in this initial season and competed in both A Grade and B Grade divisions
As the number of players increased and new clubs were formed the competition extended to C Grade
Hobart played under its Hobart Bowling Club title until 1932 when it became the Royal Hobart Bowling Club
This structure continued until 1961/62 inclusive when it was replaced by the numerical format
Premiership wins Pre 1961/62 were as follows:
A Grade
Hobart/Royal Hobart 21
Buckingham 12
Derwent 10
Cricketers/City 9
Sandy Bay 4
B Grade
Records are not complete but Hobart/Royal Hobart are known to have won at least 17 premierships in this period
C Grade
Records not available
Premiership wins Post 1961/62 are as follows:
Saturday Pennant
1962/63 Division 5
1963/64 Division 6
1964/65 Division 3
1972/73 Division 5
1977/78 Division 5
1980/81 Division 2 Red
1984/85 Division 3 Red
1984/85 Division 4 Red
1988/89 Division 4 Red
1989/90 Division 4 Red
1990/91 Division 4 Blue
2008/09 Division 3 Reserve
2020/21 Division 3
Midweek Pennant
1975/76 Division 1
1977/78 Division 1 Gold
1978/79 Division 2
1979/80 Division 2
1983/84 Division 2
1989/90 Division 4
1990/91 Division 4
2009/10 Division 3
2017/18 Division 2
2021/22 Division 2
2022/23 Division 2
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